The Ten Best Ways To Increase Muscle Mass In Two Weeks

Posted by Lawrence Sunday, March 20, 2011

Many of us are struggling to increase muscle mass. Some people may have been trying for months without any visible result, you can eat as much as they can. Instead of building more muscle, and sometimes during the filler in our fat more muscle mass. Not all that despair and blame your DNA if you do not show Arnold Schwarzenegger. Building Muscle is a rule of thumb, if you do not see any improvement in the relevant two-three weeks, there must be something wrong with your diet or training.

Follow these tips to two to three weeks and you will end up bigger than before.

1. Have you tried to eat five or six times a day? Remember that your appetite is lower than normal, because you eat more often. Do you still eat junk food as a filler during the period? If it is cut off. Not only for the junk food to add extra fat in the abdomen, but also slows down the body's metabolism.

2. Immediately after training, eat something that can give you some protein to repair muscles and carbohydrates to replenish your energy. Carbohydrates after a workout is important to replace glycogen used during strength training. In addition, it can give the insulin to kick in so that the protein can be absorbed more quickly.

3. Eat real food (not going) with a maximum of one hour after a workout.

4. Take a multivitamin every day. Vitamin B can actually help your body digest food more easily. It's a waste after all, if your body can not completely digest the food you ate.

5. Do not work more than an hour and not do too much cardio. work more than an hour is a waste because you need those calories to build muscles.

6. Do not train the same muscle more than twice a week.

7. Train your muscles nine to twelve training systems. This means that you will form a group of muscles in three to four different exercises, three to four sets each.

8. Adjust the weight so that you can only carry six to eight repetitions when you can.

9. Do forced reps. After lifting to failure, ask your training partner to help you lift the weight. To bear the weight at the first position and slowly lower without the help of his partner.

10. Have you ever heard of high intensity? In this training you can remove as much as possible and the rest just take a breath (one or two minutes).


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