Muscle Building Diet - How To Structure Muscle Diet

Posted by Lawrence Friday, March 4, 2011

Dismantle the tail in the weight room does not take you very far. Without a nutrition plan high quality designed around your specific needs, you will struggle to reach your full genetic potential, not to mention blow away.

Skinny guys and beginners make the same mistakes all the time - namely, to think that their food is secondary to their routine. You would not expect a sports car to run on empty you? No, you fill it with the best gas you can get your hands on, right?

Therefore, since your body is a machine much finer than any other car, poured fuel Dang the best diet you can imagine.

Then I will show you how to structure a diet plan muscle building for maximum efficiency and maximize your workouts in the gym. Think about your diet as Yin Yang of your exercise routine.

How many calories a day?

The starting point for a muscle building diet is to determine what your daily calorie needs, has since build muscle you need to eat more calories than your body.

Obviously this will vary from person to person so a little math is in order (do not worry, the math is very simple, even for me;))

As a guide, you can multiply your current weight in pounds by 24 to arrive at your destination calories per day. So if you weigh 170 pounds you need to 4.080 calories per day (170 x 24).

There are many online calculators calories that take into account other factors such as activity, age, height, etc., and is therefore more accurate. But the above measure is useful to give you a rough guess intimate.


The second aspect to consider when structuring a diet plan for muscle building is how to balance your nutrient levels ... In other words,? How can you spread your nutrients for maximum muscle growth

A balance of about 40% carbohydrate, 35% protein and 25% healthy fats. Avoid trans fats and highly processed in saturated fat. Fatty fish, olive oil and nuts and flax seeds (pumpkin) are great sources of healthy fats like omega 3,6 and 9, which is super muscle builders.

This is a reasonable balance for a healthy body. Do not make the mistake of thinking that because you are building muscle, you can eat a lot of junk just to get your calories.

Eat whole foods that are healthy and do not use supplements as a crutch to support poor discipline.

Why is not all about protein

As you can see above, your protein intake, while really important is not the alpha and omega of a diet for muscle building.

Many beginners and skinny guys make the mistake of thinking that the protein is the only means something, then load on supplements and vibration while sacrificing other aspects of their diet.

Do not make the same mistake - keep a good balance and you'll see better results.

I agree it can be a pain in the you-know-what to try to prepare your own food, especially considering the short time most of us ...


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