I have been working out seriously for 8 years; my weight stays between 175 lbs and 190 lbs depending upon whether I am trying to add bulk or get cut. I've never been able to achieve the one thing I have always wanted most; that hot 6-pack abs with the "V" cut. After using this product I was able to drop to 165 pounds with 9% body fat. My waist size went to 29 from size 34. Best of all, I had developed an awesome 6-pack, that I had been working years to achieve but never made it. Now, you have to use common sense; NO product is a magic bullet and you can't just take it and think that weight is miraculously going to just drop off. If you're committed to building muscle, you already should know that. Eating out isn't an option; you need to subscribe to the theory of "burn the fat, feed the muscle" or you are just going to be flat out of luck and all your work will go for naught.
My regimen goes something like this: For breakfast I'll consume a 5 egg white omelette with vegetables and add oatmeal for my slow burning carbs, then I'll lift weights for about an hour. After that, I hit the treadmill for 45 minutes of high intensity interval training. If you are attempting to shred fat then this is the only cardio you should be doing. This product definitely has worked for me, and if you don't use it along with a regimen of dedication and good diet then you are missing out. For shredding fat the ratio is 25 percent cardio and 75 percent diet. You can run until your tongue is hanging out every single day but if you don't combine a good diet and a small amount of cardio training with this product you might as well swill a 6-pack of beer because that's the closest you will ever come to a 6-pack.
If you don't try this, you are shorting yourself big time!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6227513
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