The Best Way To Build Muscle: 5 Simple Rules For Gaining Muscle

Posted by Lawrence Sunday, February 27, 2011

What is the best way to build muscle?

The best way to build muscle is not a one size fits all formula, but there are certain basic principles that everyone should follow to build muscle.

5 rules for the best way to build muscle:

1. Train hard! - Strength training is the most crucial for muscle gain. This training can come from a variety of techniques, such as barbells, dumbbells, or machines that use cables or pulleys, and gymnastics (ie, push, push ups, sit-ups and dips). It is important to do 6-8 reps with slow, controlled movements to achieve maximum gains in the gym. It decreases time of rest between sets instead of 2-3 minutes, try 30 seconds between sets. This is the first rule is essential if you are trying to reach the best way to build muscle.

2. eat more calories and eat often the best way to build muscle is to eat healthy foods throughout the day (4-5 times. This means that it is a well balanced meal of protein, carbohydrates, good fats, vegetables and fruits.Good fats include olive oil, rapeseed oil, linseed oil, sunflower oil, nuts and fish. Examples of good carbs are brown rice, oatmeal, potatoes, wheat pasta and bread.

3. Eat protein / Supplement-Without the proper amount of protein your muscles will not receive enough nutrients to repair. Protein provides amino acids and branched to repair and muscle growth. A good rule is to eat about 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. Fish, turkey, chicken, lean beef, eggs, cottage cheese and low fat plain yogurt. The goal of 1 gram per basin is difficult for some people to achieve by diet alone. Protein bars and shakes can help these people achieve and maintain the goal of 1 gram of protein per day.To give you the best way to build muscle eat this amount of protein is key.

4. Drinking water is often overlooked but very important for building muscle. 80% of muscle mass is water which is very important to keep the body hydrated. To give your body the best way to build muscle, it is important to stay hydrated.

5. Rest and stretch, it is important to get the right amount of rest, when weight training. The main misconception is that people think they grow in the gym when it's not, your body increases when you rest. Flexibility is often regarded as a key element in the fitness and performance. On your days off I suggest a routine of yoga or gentle stretching. The best way to build muscle is to go to the gym (and lift) not more than 4-5 times per week.

As before, the best way to build muscle depends on the person and their genetics. But these are fundamental principles that must be followed, for muscle growth.


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